Advertise your business with email marketing to a massive 150M records, opt-in list, with more than 700 targeting 

Leverage Our 150M+ Email Marketing List to Reach Your Ideal Audience

Our comprehensive email marketing service gives you access to our extensive database of over 150 million contacts, equipped with more than 700 targeting parameters.


Whether you’re running an insurance agency or any other business, we can help you reach precisely the right audience, opening up new avenues for growth. For example, target individuals actively seeking insurance policies, ensuring your message reaches those ready to convert.


Maximise your marketing impact with precision targeting—tap into our robust email list and connect with your next customer. Contact us at to get started today!

Email remains one of the most powerful ways to connect with consumers.

Over 50% of U.S. consumers check their personal email accounts more than ten times a day, making it their preferred method for receiving brand updates.


In fact, 59% of marketers report that email marketing delivers a positive ROI, proving its effectiveness. Businesses that leverage segmented email campaigns have experienced an impressive 760% increase in revenue.


Don’t miss out on the potential of email marketing—reach your audience where they’re most engaged! Contact us at to learn more.

700+ targeting  parameters 

Umbrella Local has one of the largest, most segmented and updated opt-in consumer list all across the nation.

With these 700+ segmentation options, you can segment by: family size, location, ages of children, ages of parents, household with elderlies, etc. 

Kickstart Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Our Expert Team

Our email marketing experts are ready to dive in with you—from crafting the perfect email copy and recommending the most effective promotions (backed by our library of 100+ case studies) to building segmented lists, delivering campaigns, and providing comprehensive reports.


Partner with us to optimize your email marketing strategy and achieve your goals. Contact our experts today at to start planning your successful campaign!

Pricing and FAQ

What'll it cost me?

What we charge depends on the size of the campaigns you run plus the setup costs. The more emails you send, or the Higher the amount of emails you send.

For 50,000 emails, you'll be charged $1,000.

For 200,000 emails, you'll be charged $800 for every 50,000 emails.

Is the list updated regularly?

Yes, we regularly update and clean our list.

Our experts are here and ready to help.

Contact Us TODAY!


With UML Digi Solutions UK, your Local agency's vast 150M opt-in record list, and over 700 targeting parameters, we can help you run email marketing campaigns that drive measurable results, propelling your business to new heights of success.


Our team is passionate about creating the perfect email marketing campaign tailored to elevate your business. Contact us at, and let’s take your business to the next level!


Our Experts are Ready to Help!

Connect with one of our Local Experts today and discuss your requirements. Free advice.

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